REVIEW: The End of Night

16131044Title: The End of Night
Author: Paul Bogard
Type: Hardcover
Pages: 336
Published: 9th July 2013

3 Stars

It was okay. It is not my normal style of book and I only started reading it as a friend recommended it to me.

I found myself frustrated with the overly descriptive and repetitive nature of the writing and felt that half of almost every chapter could have been removed and wouldn’t have been missed.

The concept of this book is fantastic and the author obviously put in a lot of research on the subject.  It seemed to be aimed at ‘everyday society’ and not academics or astrologers, I believe the author did a great job of not over complicating the scientific aspects. His creative non-fiction style of writing made it easy to read and I liked that he referenced to the sources of his data.

This book for me, was similar to reading an extraordinarily long newspaper article, no matter how interesting the subject matter.

It opened my eyes to what artificial light is doing to the night sky, but was not really my cup of tea. However for someone who is more interested in non-fiction books this would probably be a great read.